Edward Flint Lawyer recent victories and settlements:

  • State v. W. M. Cedar City District, Jury Trial October 26-27, 2023, charged with felony aggravated assault, jury returned a lesser included simple assault, a Class B misdemeanor. Client had been held in jail without bail for over six months, was released with time served.
  • City of St. George v. S. J. DUI charge, upon review of the body camera video, it was clear that the arresting officer lied in his report, and when this was reported to the city prosecutor, the charges were dismissed and later, expunged.
  • State v. A.C. child sex abuse charges, the client had been represented by another attorney who told the client he needed to plead guilty, but that attorney died and the client hired me. This allegation by a child too young to know the difference between reality and fantasy was destroyed by our psychologist expert witness report, and the special victim prosecutor DISMISSED all charges.
  • State v. R.Y. client was charged with rape and looking at mandatory prison, but our world class private investigators proved that the accuser’s story was impossible and three other persons in the house at the same time verified that nothing happened, so the special victim prosecutor DISMISSED all charges.
  • State v. C.R. client charged with insurance fraud, investigation lasted over two years, case resolved with a plea held in abeyance where the case will be dismissed.